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The history of SPOT LMS releases, only in English.


Version 7.1.1 - September 20, 2024

  • ADDED New client account parameter to activate or deactivate the control mechanism that verifies the time spent on the course
  • ADDED An alert is displayed during course follow-up if the learner's computer system blocks the working time calculation functions
  • REVISED Refactoring of PHP code to support the latest version of the PHP library in v8.3
  • REVISED Security update of online payment libraries with Stripe
  • REVISED Updating the database of geolocation information by IP address
  • REVISED SQL query adaptation for operation on MariaDB v10 and Mysql v8
  • REVISED Evolution of the accounts receivable self-check process
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs
  • FIXED Bugfix on positioning of module access prerequisites when creating the module

Version 7.0.0 - July 21, 2024 - Major update

  • ADDED The helpdesk tool is deactivated because it is obsolete. Support is provided via an email exchange with a form to fill in to specify your problem
  • ADDED Track and record progress in a SCORM. When the SCORM is resumed, the learner's progress is saved
  • ADDED New validation condition: SCORM is complete. This prevents a learner from moving on to the next content if he hasn't finished his SCORM component
  • ADDED This new validation condition: SCORM is complete is set by default on each imported SCORM
  • ADDED The customer account settings have a new setting to specify whether to force notifications to be sent to deactivated users
  • ADDED Block the sending of notifications to non-active users unless the customer account is forcing notifications
  • ADDED Introduce the notion of a relevant average score: tests + reports + scorm / 100, excluding quizzes
  • ADDED Modification of Applet triggers, addition of a trigger condition on a relevant average
  • ADDED When a learner resets a submitted assignment or progresses in a course, we physically delete the submitted files, correction files and grades given
  • ADDED Automatic daylight saving if enabled in user profile
  • ADDED Users can activate the automatic daylight saving time changeover mode.
  • ADDED New icons and standardized libraries for improved HTML page loading speed
  • ADDED New function Assign all selected courses to all selected learners, in a single operation, and with the same parameters for all. Available from the menu and dashboard
  • ADDED Add 2 additional free fields to the USER form. Reserved for administrators and instructors, these fields are not visible to learners by default. To make them visible, create a new learner profile and assign the necessary rights
  • ADDED Add a blocking date for a course attached to a user, date after which access to the course is impossible for the user
  • ADDED Limit information visible to learners. Applies only if learners can see other users. The limitation only displays first name, last name and email
  • ADDED Added a setting so that each client can use an SMTP mail server instead of SPOT LMS's own
  • ADDED Navigation between courses and users using a left/right arrow button to access another element
  • ADDED For synchronised PDF and video course content, it is now possible to choose different display templates
  • ADDED Add to the courses in the shop catalogue a field for entering a URL pointing to a document or HTML page external to SPOT LMS to describe the course (Qualiopi), with the option of customising the name of the button
  • ADDED Add the option of embedding JavaScript (or jQuery) code in your catalogue page. In general, we specify a code here for the catalogue page statistics
  • REVISED In the event of a large number of videos on the streaming server, the system cannot return the list. Batch processing corrected the problem. Each time a page is changed, the server reloads the next list
  • REVISED Changed the information in emails sent by the system. Now uses the custom client name for a custom user profile rather than the default client name. This allows emails to be sent on behalf of a customer of your customers
  • REVISED Improved management of user groups/courses
  • REVISED En version Française: Le terme 'cours' est remplacé par celui de 'parcours' (de formation)
  • REVISED In the user file, we check that the last login date is consistent with the user's creation date
  • REVISED Software fonts libraries updates
  • REVISED All software libraries updates
  • REVISED Change font title dashboard thumbnail
  • REVISED Evolution of the API from v1.5 to v1.6 to take into account the course access blocking date. REMEMBER to modify your API calls to consider it
  • REVISED Ads and adblocker detector back on line
  • REVISED Update of the social networks in the top right-hand corner, with Twitter replaced by Instagram, and a new Facebook account for posts
  • REVISED Exchange Argentine currency for US dollars at a rate suited to the country
  • OPTIMIZED Deactivate the helpdesk tool, replace it with direct contact with a support technician
  • OPTIMIZED More modern graphic rendering of icons through the use of thinner icons
  • OPTIMIZED Improved graphical rendering of course content
  • OPTIMIZED Improvements to content labels to make them clearer
  • OPTIMIZED Rectangular information boxes have been improved to make them more modern, with the different theme colors replaced by a single neutral color
  • OPTIMIZED Change graph and curve colors to blue, more in harmony with other tool colors
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs
  • FIXED Corrects a Dutch-language bug when viewing dedicated videos
  • FIXED Fix bug preventing external sharing of a course with SCORM content

Version 6.8.0 - November 13, 2023

  • ADDED New table in reports that displays a log of user connections with browser information and connection IP address
  • ADDED New font size for menu and tables, better suited to displaying large amounts of data
  • REVISED All software libraries updates
  • REVISED Updating the database of geolocation information by IP address
  • OPTIMIZED Code optimization to speed up processing and free up physical server resources
  • OPTIMIZED New graphics on data tables improve readability
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs

Version 6.7.5 - September 24, 2023

  • OPTIMIZED Optimization of the email sending process and change of encryption keys + library to guarantee continuity of security

Version 6.7.4 - September 06, 2023

  • FIXED Fixed a bug in the sending of emails when subscribing to an offer

Version 6.7.3 - April 21, 2023

  • FIXED Fixed a bug in the display of the customer account name during automatic notifications (course to finish, ...)

Version 6.7.0 - March 1, 2023

  • ADDED Implementation of an e-mail quota system as a safeguard in case of too many notification e-mails
  • ADDED Addition of a page allowing to consult the sent e-mails
  • OPTIMIZED Improvement of the interface of payment by bank card with STANCER
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs

Version 6.6.0 - February 2, 2023

  • ADDED New supplier for online payments in Euro by credit card: STANCER
  • OPTIMIZED Code optimization to speed up processing and free up physical server resources
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs

Version 6.5.0 - January 10, 2023

  • ADDED Following abuses concerning the SEPA direct debit payment method (via STRIPE), it will only be available on request for customers with a positive history
  • REVISED All software libraries updates
  • OPTIMIZED Code optimization to speed up processing and free up physical server resources
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs

Version 6.4.0 - August 14, 2022

  • ADDED Use the concept of profile to change the customer identity information (logo+name) specific to each profile
  • ADDED In the generation of reports, it is possible to choose a specific date range rather than predefined ranges such as 1 year, 2 months, 6 months, ...
  • ADDED For support requests, propose the users defined in a list and not all the admins
  • ADDED The user folder shows all notifications received by the user
  • REVISED Modification of the report widgets [course completed by learners] by adding the start date which is the date of availability of the course for the learner
  • REVISED Corrected Excel export of control results log, improved support for accented characters and file content
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs

Version 6.3.3 - April 02, 2022

  • ADDED To avoid bots, spams and abuses, adding captcha on the page of modification of email of its profile
  • ADDED To avoid bots, spams and abuses, added captcha on the user creation page
  • ADDED To avoid bots, spams and abuses, added captcha on the user information modification page
  • REVISED Updating the database of geolocation information by IP address
  • REVISED Improvement of the email delivery system by increasing the robustness of the backup system in case of AWS provider error
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs

Version 6.3.0 - December 19, 2021

  • ADDED New log events on quizz
  • ADDED Display an alert if the course is completed but subsequently modified and therefore in an inconsistent state
  • ADDED New icons in the home page
  • ADDED New connection time table like the work time table
  • ADDED Metrics: connection time
  • REVISED Evolution of the memorization of the menu status in the left column
  • REVISED Working time table on one or more selected users
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs

Version 6.2.0 - October 31, 2021

  • ADDED API new function userbymail which allows to check that a user exists in the database from his email address and to recover his data
  • ADDED Addition of a last login date column in the progress table (Exportable table of course progress information by user)
  • REVISED API evolution of the signupuser function which now returns the password created for the new user
  • REVISED API evolution of the functions listusers, userbymail, users which now returns the date of last connection of the user
  • REVISED Improved file uploads
  • OPTIMIZED Correction of the course tracking algorithm
  • OPTIMIZED The drop-down lists in the top bar (group, bookmark and avatar) are scrollable
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs

Version 6.1.0 - October 17, 2021

  • ADDED The attribute "Display estimated time" becomes configurable at the creation of the user
  • ADDED The attribute "Display estimated time" becomes available in the Default behavior of future users in the General account settings. Used when importing multiple users or via the API
  • REVISED The new file upload feature released with version 6.0.0 could remove access to already existing files. Modification to ensure backward compatibility
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs

Version 6.0.0 - August 22, 2021 - Major update

  • ADDED New administration console: optimized display with more explanatory texts and a layout better adapted to different screen sizes (PC, Smartphone, Tablet, ...)
  • ADDED Evolution of the top bar: Addition of a direct access button to the disconnection, relocation on the right of the button show/hide the menu column, new layout responsive design to support the Samsung galaxy fold
  • ADDED New languages: Bulgarian, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Czech
  • ADDED Deployment of a new network architecture for virtual classrooms improving connections for users with firewalls enabled on their computer networks
  • ADDED Evolution of Hypertext Preprocessor PHP to version 8 and activation of JIT (Just in Time Compilation), allowing gains in speed, robustness and security
  • ADDED Exports in EXCEL (XLSX) format of the tables are now done on the server by a local script. Avoiding the transit of information on a server located in the United States, improving the speed of processing and allowing exports of larger volumes of data
  • ADDED New icons and standardized libraries for improved HTML page loading speed
  • ADDED Changed the message displayed about the time taken by a learner during a course. Clarifies that this is purely indicative and that the real time is the one counted by the server
  • ADDED New extension of user import files from csv to txt to avoid misunderstandings regarding the nature of the information contained in the import files
  • ADDED New explanatory text for the setting of domain names for customers with white label in their commercial offers
  • ADDED New operation concerning the icons of the social networks
  • ADDED New wysiwyg HTML content editor, more optimized, more setting options and with a better behavior on small screens like smartphone
  • ADDED New setting available in the customer account profile, allowing to forbid users to display the working time while taking a course, setting that has priority over the user's setting and set by default to OFF
  • ADDED New setting available in the customer account profile: In case of inactivity during a course, the course tracking page is automatically closed after a set time in minutes
  • ADDED New setting available in the customer account profile: Daylight saving time (DST) is now a setting in client account, allowing to be automatically applied to all user profiles created
  • ADDED Removal of bitpay payments, it is no longer possible to pay an offer in cryptocurrency
  • ADDED New payment method, it is now possible to pay an offer with the PayPal service
  • ADDED While a learner is running a course, 5 minutes before the course is closed for non-activity in the course page, a dialog box with a countdown timer is displayed to warn of the automatic exit from the page
  • ADDED New function (available in the avatar menu and only in some paid offers): Consult and manage your user account data. Your contacts can export their personal data centralized in the LMS in one click. This export is a ZIP format containing a set of TXT files. Thus, identity, contact information, actions and even comments can be automatically retrieved by a user
  • ADDED New function (available in the avatar menu and only in some paid offers): Request the right to be forgotten. This feature allows your users to exercise their right to be forgotten by anonymizing their personal data. Anonymization consists of replacing personal information by characters (stars). The objective is to no longer be able to identify the contact while keeping some important data for the company (segmentation, invoices...) but not personal.
  • ADDED New bulked function allowing to add all the courses of a category to a learner, from the user file page, bulked operations
  • ADDED New function: User timeline, allowing to consult the red thread of the users' training
  • ADDED New function: Get in touch, which allows to ask in real time one or more connected and available users to make a conversation in a private group
  • ADDED In the dedicated video management page, a new display indicates if a video is used in a course or if it is never used
  • ADDED For free accounts, add a text in the top bar specifying FREE
  • REVISED Improvement of the course server parameters allowing a better flexibility of operation and a better adaptation to the needs of the customers
  • REVISED Evolution of the code procedure for validating a course by learner by changing the explanatory texts
  • REVISED When a user is created, the password field is pre-filled with a password that respects the password policy of the account
  • REVISED Security update of online payment libraries with Stripe
  • REVISED All software libraries updates
  • REVISED Changed the function that uploads data to the server, replaced by a more optimized and secure code
  • REVISED Updating the PDF reader embedded in HTML pages
  • OPTIMIZED Improved display of Quizzes and Tests
  • OPTIMIZED Optimization of course tracking pages, resulting in faster loading speeds and server load savings
  • OPTIMIZED Modification of the generation of data in a synthesis table and in the synthesis grid with selection of the parameters before the creation of the data, in order to optimize the processing time
  • OPTIMIZED Improved robustness of the new customer creation process
  • OPTIMIZED Improved responsive design for smartphone and small screen displays
  • FIXED Fixed the dedicated video upload function that had a display bug after subscribing to a business or premium offer
  • FIXED Fixed a bug on confidentiality, if the administrator does not want the learners to see the other learners, it was still possible to see them in the group management
  • FIXED Fixed a bug in the accessibility of the summary grid which normally is only available for some offers and which was available for all offers

Version 5.3.0 - February 28, 2021

  • ADDED New version API v1.5 : learnerworkingtime, Obtain the working time for a learner for a date
  • ADDED New version API v1.5: Added features concerning virtual classrooms
  • ADDED An administrator can disable the two-factor authentication (2FA) of a user
  • ADDED Creation of a metric that presents the input/output of a user in a virtual classroom
  • ADDED Support of V6 IP addresses for access control functions by country or IP address
  • ADDED Importing a scorm can now do this in an existing course
  • ADDED Added a parameter in the applet action "Attach a course to a learner": "Access" option that allows or denies access to the course by the user, while presenting the general information of the course
  • ADDED New actions for applets: Reset all course controls AND the last course content
  • ADDED New actions for applets: Make a blocked course already attached to a user accessible
  • ADDED New actions for applets: Make a course already attached to a user inaccessible
  • ADDED New actions for applets: Changes the status of the course to IN PROGRESS without resetting its progress for a specific course
  • ADDED New actions for applets: Reset progress of a specific course
  • ADDED New triggers for applets: X days after the end of a course [Feature in Beta version]
  • ADDED New triggers for applets: X days after the start of a course [Feature in Beta version]
  • ADDED New triggers for applets: User-attached course
  • ADDED New metrics: Users not logged on during the period and who have all their courses completed
  • ADDED New metrics: Users not logged in during the period and who have courses to do
  • REVISED Added in the page launch virtual class the number of parallel virtual class in progress
  • REVISED England is no longer part of Europe, intra-community VAT numbers in England are deactivated
  • REVISED Modification of the services of the VIP offer
  • REVISED Enhanced the diagnostic page, added tests for access to SPOT LMS resources and removed flash in browsers for virtual class tests
  • REVISED Evolution of the user profile editing page
  • REVISED Changed the maximum duration of virtual classes (old: 6h), 12 hours if the virtual class is not recorded and 8 hours if the virtual class is recorded
  • REVISED Evolution of the splash screen to add summary information on last connection, ...
  • OPTIMIZED Improved display of the "course follow-up" page on smartphone screens
  • OPTIMIZED Optimization of access control functions by country or IP address

Version 5.2.0 - November 22, 2020

  • ADDED New server system monitoring center to improve quality of service and response time in case of malfunctions
  • ADDED When creating a new customer account, the country is positioned automatically
  • ADDED Added a button for administrators in the virtual class list to force the closure of a virtual class
  • ADDED Added a button for administrators in the virtual class list to join the virtual class even if the administrator is not scheduled as a participant
  • ADDED Commercial offers determine a limit on the number of virtual classes launched in parallel
  • ADDED New report formatting for virtual class details
  • ADDED Schedule an automatic virtual classroom start, at a defined date and time, for a population of users, with notification sent to participants containing a URL allowing them to directly access the virtual classroom at the scheduled time
  • ADDED Download an iCalendar file of the event participate to the virtual class to add it to the agenda
  • ADDED Virtual class schedules are visible in the SPOT LMS calendar
  • ADDED Evolution means of payment, now accepts: Sofort, iDEAL, Bancontact, giropay, Przelewy24, EPS
  • REVISED All software libraries updates
  • REVISED Improvement of the dark mode
  • REVISED Compatibility of Japanese and Russian languages with the chat service
  • REVISED If users cannot access the google service, the recaptcha used when logging in cannot work, blocking connections. An evolution allows to send a code by email to the user to validate the connection.
  • OPTIMIZED Improvement of the calculation of time spent in a virtual classroom
  • FIXED Correction of access to a course by a learner who in certain situations could launch the course before the scheduled date
  • FIXED Fixed the problem of access to the Chat service with Chrome

Version 5.1.0 - August 16, 2020

  • ADDED New table showing working time by user, broken down by type and exportable
  • ADDED Setting up a central authentication server redirecting to the client's server
  • ADDED Online storage volume control for dedicated videos (streaming server)
  • REVISED Software libraries updates
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs

Version 5.0.0 - July 05, 2020 - Major update

  • ADDED New languages: Brazilian, Japanese, Russian
  • ADDED Addition of a graphical document manager available for administrators, allowing to download, copy, delete, uload, ... all file resources of the account
  • ADDED Referrer selection when assigning a course to a learner, when creating a user and when importing users
  • ADDED New system for displaying notifications in the top right-hand corner
  • ADDED The colors of the notifications are now configurable in the parameters of the theme account
  • ADDED Now compatible with Microsoft's new edge browser
  • ADDED Management Improve server load by limiting the number of simultaneous learning users to avoid server crashes
  • ADDED New menu in the top bar for easy access to LMS support
  • ADDED Improved videoconferencing, added blurred background and systematic password protection
  • ADDED When starting a virtual class, a limit is set on the number of participants, only the first x participants can connect
  • ADDED Translation proofreading, customers of a paid offer can submit a proofreading of interface texts
  • ADDED Allows you to define your own texts in the interface. You can thus modify all the terms used in the tool and customize to the extreme for your use, only for certain paid offers
  • ADDED New drag and drop system, now compatible with all supports, smartphone or desktop, IOS, Android, Windows, MacOS, ...
  • ADDED It is now possible to drag and drop content from one module to another within the same course
  • ADDED New computer languages taken into account in code formatting (snippets)
  • ADDED New audio player with volume control in course content
  • ADDED New format type for displaying first and last name in system settings
  • ADDED When paying for an offer, if the country of the administrator does not correspond to the country of the customer account, an alert and confirmation message will be displayed, in order to respect international laws
  • ADDED New country access control to limit access to the LMS from the user's country of connection, determined by the IP address of the user's Internet connection
  • ADDED New icon set and dashboard layout
  • ADDED New system icon set
  • ADDED At the end of the paid commercial offer, administrators (not learners or instructors) can still connect to a minimum interface to renew the offer. It is no longer necessary to contact the sales department
  • ADDED New mechanism for managing large volumes (users, courses, dedicated videos, virtual classes, ...) optimizing page loading. The lists display a limited number of elements, it is then proposed to see, only in table form, the complete list of elements
  • ADDED At user creation or import, group attachment can be done on several groups at the same time
  • ADDED New API REST functions on groups, allowing to list groups, create groups, add courses or users to groups, remove courses or users from groups, delete groups
  • ADDED Implementation of a limitation of the API call frequency. This limitation depends on the characteristics of the server and its load level. See the API REST documentation for more information
  • ADDED New function: CAPTURE. Save your webcam, capture your screen, create synchronous videos, ... and save the videos locally or import them in the streaming server (only available in some commercial offers)
  • ADDED New course content that allows a learner to render a video captured by the webcam or a video of the screen recording. This is considered as work to be done, it can be graded and a correction can be provided by the learner's referent
  • ADDED New course content: two synchronized videos, which allows to broadcast 2 dedicated videos (present on streaming server) at the same time in the same page. Different display layouts possible
  • ADDED Creating 2 new metrics : Display details (array) of working time and attendance in a virtual classroom per student
  • ADDED Addition of a page explaining the general operating principles of the LMS, available in the support menu
  • ADDED New management of the encoding load of dedicated videos
  • ADDED Support request messages are now prefixed with information about the sender
  • ADDED Tutorials have a new accelerated speed of 2x
  • ADDED New tutorial on how to follow a videoconference on a mobile phone
  • ADDED New tutorial : presenting the LMS for learners
  • ADDED New tutorial : Creating quickly a course
  • ADDED New tutorial : Build course content with work to be done and rendered for grading and correction, type of file to render: file, webcam video, screen capture video
  • ADDED New tutorial : Making a question with a gaping text
  • ADDED New tutorial : Question proposing to match elements with others in the form of a binomial
  • ADDED New tutorial : Question proposing to choose several answers forming a combination (driving school type)
  • ADDED New tutorial : How to capture a video of your screen and the video of a webcam then make a course content of the 2 synchronized videos
  • ADDED New tutorial : Correcting the translation
  • ADDED New tutorial : Customization of interface texts
  • ADDED New tutorial : File manager
  • REVISED Security update of online payment libraries with Stripe
  • REVISED All software libraries updates
  • REVISED The wysiwyg html editor is updated, the selection of the editor in a html page is highlighted by a blue frame like the other form controls
  • REVISED Updating the PDF reader embedded in HTML pages
  • REVISED Improved synchronized pdf/videos content, new layout and improved workflow
  • REVISED Improved display of course names when they are too large
  • REVISED Optimization of the user import process to reduce processing time
  • REVISED When the commercial offer expires, course sharing, course shop and report sharing become inaccessible
  • REVISED Improved management of video conferencing, new calculation of participation time that takes into account disconnections and reconnections of attendees
  • REVISED Improved management of virtual classes, new calculation of participation time that takes into account disconnections and reconnections of attendees
  • REVISED Improved the automatic generation of notifications which can now have line feeds in the body of the message relayed by email
  • REVISED Strengthening the security of API REST
  • REVISED Updating of prices for the settlement of commercial offers not paid in Euros, by adapting currency rates
  • OPTIMIZED The management of select lists when there are many items is now improved at the display level
  • OPTIMIZED Optimization of systems to improve performance and creation of new customer accounts
  • OPTIMIZED Improved responsive design for smartphone and small screen displays
  • OPTIMIZED For readability of the statistics, the duration of training will now be calculated in hours (and no longer in days) as soon as the total training time exceeds 24 hours
  • FIXED When importing users from a file, remove any spaces in front and behind the first and last name, which could cause display problems
  • FIXED Correction of the count of connected users who in some cases forgot some users
  • FIXED Correction of the entry and validation of a European VAT number
  • FIXED Correction of the deletion of a discount coupon from the course shop
  • FIXED Fixed a problem with drag & drop display of question answers when the text of the answers included some HTML code
  • FIXED The URL field in notifications now takes into consideration white-label urls
  • FIXED Correction of the management of multiple mouse clicks (in the case of an aging mouse) in the test passage (quiz and control)
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs

Version 4.8.0 - March 29, 2020

  • ADDED Modification to support chrome version 80
  • ADDED Count the number of users logged into the dashboard
  • ADDED Changing ON/OFF switches with modern switchboxes compatible with any browser
  • ADDED Complete revision of the course sequence kinematics to speed up and optimize the system, forcing the course change to be completed when 100% progress is reached
  • REVISED Improved user import function
  • REVISED Evolution of the design for a more modern rendering
  • REVISED Software libraries updates
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs

Version 4.7.0 - February 09, 2020

  • ADDED Payment by Cryptographic Currency now accepts Bitcoin / Bitcoin Cash / Ripple / Ethereum / USD Tokens
  • ADDED Addition of new variable fields to be integrated in the certificates: user creation date, average scores, controls, quiz, ...
  • ADDED New version of the virtual classroom tool with a full HTML5 responsive design and more modern interface
  • ADDED New parameters for running virtual classrooms
  • ADDED New tutorials for virtual classrooms
  • ADDED Better integration of SCORM 1.2 and 2004 with Articulate 360
  • ADDED Creating 2 new array metrics on the details of user certificates
  • REVISED Some UI changes
  • REVISED Software libraries updates
  • REVISED Update of the STRIPE payment library to improve security and compatibility with European standards
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs

Version 4.6.0 - December 22, 2019

  • ADDED New event allowing to schedule a notification and email to users never connected Y days after the creation date
  • ADDED New event allowing to schedule a notification and email to learners whose course has been passed to IN_COURSE by an applet
  • ADDED Automatic scroll on the current component (highlighted in green) in the right column during the course follow-up
  • ADDED When passing courses, display time spent on the content AND time on the course
  • REVISED Evolution of the selection of dedicated videos in a content
  • REVISED Evolution of the entry of the intra-community VAT number
  • REVISED Modification of the applet action [change current status to IN PROGRESS], in addition to changing current status, the validation conditions [consult x minutes] of the contents are reset
  • REVISED Improved colors for notification templates
  • REVISED All software libraries updates
  • FIXED Fixed issues regarding the creation and editing of dedicated videos, 360 dedicated videos, synchronized videos+pdf and virtual classroom replay
  • FIXED Fixed a bug in the Chilean currency
  • FIXED Fixed of incorrect course states following the launch of quizzes or controls
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs

Version 4.5.1 - October 08, 2019

  • ADDED New action for the robot applets, Changes the status of the course to IN PROGRESS without resetting its progress
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs

Version 4.5.0 - October 06, 2019

  • ADDED New exportable summary table of course progress information by user, allows you to have all the information on courses, users and their progress
  • ADDED Addition of a column for Working Time in the learners' table of a course
  • ADDED In the course folder, display of a new tab of the work done by the learner
  • ADDED New icon set
  • ADDED New currencies: Uruguayan peso, Balboa, Colón costaricien, Cordoba, Lempira, Quetzal, Belizean dollar, Peso dominicain. These countries can now settle in their current currencies
  • ADDED New currencies for the online shop. Courses can now be sold in these currencies
  • ADDED New trigger for the robot applets, Course completed AND the working time of the course is: x <= WORKING TIME <= y
  • ADDED Display of the time when answers are entered in a test in the test result
  • ADDED Exportable table of tests conducted with the results by question and the points awarded
  • REVISED Changing a user's delete log message
  • REVISED All software libraries updates
  • OPTIMIZED System optimization to improve performance
  • FIXED Correction of the wrong time in some displays
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs

Version 4.4.0 - August 11, 2019

  • ADDED EURO SEPA Direct Debit Payments for subscription with STRIPE
  • ADDED Evolution of credit card payments for strong customer authentication (SCA), a new European directive that will require two-factor authentication for online payments in Europe as of 14 September 2019
  • ADDED Improvement of the interface by adding shaded frames
  • ADDED Enhances the display of selection lists for smartphones and tablets
  • ADDED Password policy, allows a configuration to define the complexity, length and deadlines for password renewal
  • ADDED Security email sent systematically to the user who logs in from a new web browser or device to notify him that a person is logging in to his LMS account
  • ADDED Warning splash window for administrators when the commercial plan expires
  • ADDED Self-diagnosis and corrective action page, testing your Internet browser and your Internet access to the LMS resource servers
  • ADDED Alert message when a video is blocked by the user's computer system
  • ADDED New color for display of the night mode
  • ADDED New currencies for the online shop for Bolivia, Brazil, Chili and Ecuador. Courses can now be sold in these currencies
  • REVISED Improvement of the procedure for setting up a white label domain or subdomain
  • REVISED Graphic libraries updates
  • REVISED Improved security by changing the password encryption algorithm
  • REVISED Evolution of the internal code for optimizing CHAT serveur
  • OPTIMIZED System optimization to improve performance
  • OPTIMIZED Optimization of the migration process between servers
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs

Version 4.3.0 - May 12, 2019

  • ADDED New interface with icons to reach subpages, deletion of tabs. It is possible to reactivate the tabs in the profile settings
  • REVISED All software libraries updates
  • REVISED Improving the workings of notifications
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs

Version 4.2.0 - April 28, 2019

  • ADDED Introduction of integrated video conferences (work without tools or plugins)
  • ADDED Complete redesign of the remote monitoring of a course run by a learner. An operator can remotely monitor several learners taking a course or taking a test (quizz). No installation is required
  • ADDED A new way to conduct quizzes. Instant results allow you to show learners the correction once the answer to the question is entered
  • ADDED Working time may or may not take into account the time spent in video conferences
  • ADDED The calendar presents the video conferences
  • ADDED Modification of the API to return information about user video conferences
  • ADDED Creating 12 new metrics on video conferences
  • ADDED Creating 4 new array metrics on courses / learners
  • ADDED Creating 2 new array metrics on the use of dedicated videos and 360 in the courses
  • ADDED Adding video conference information to instrument panel
  • ADDED New tutorial on remote monitoring course
  • ADDED New condition for successful completion of the course. A session for a learner (connection with your login in a browser) does not allow several courses to be run in parallel simultaneously, for security reasons
  • ADDED Adding the customer logo in reports
  • ADDED A non-active learner in a course after a period of time has left the course through the system
  • ADDED New course content, a web page integrated into the LMS as is. For example a website, a Google Drive resource,...
  • REVISED Evolution of the internal code for optimizing CHAT serveur
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs
  • FIXED When multiple connections to the same account are prohibited and there is already a connection in progress for a user, the disconnection from other sessions has been fixed

Version 4.1.0 - March 10, 2019

  • ADDED New language: Portuguese
  • ADDED New currencies for Bolivia, Brazil and Ecuador. These countries can now settle in their current currencies
  • ADDED New optional service, VIP support: more proximity and responsiveness
  • ADDED Improved protection of login pages, account creation,..., against attacks by using Google's reCAPTCHA v3 and in case of doubt, confirmation by a security code sent by email
  • REVISED Changing the password reset procedure to enhance security
  • REVISED Evolution of the internal code for optimizing processing and preventing hacking
  • FIXED Fix URLs pointing to tutorials

Version 4.0.0 - December 01, 2018 - Major update

  • ADDED New design for graphical user interface
  • ADDED New color for display of the night mode
  • ADDED New icons
  • ADDED New colors
  • ADDED Added a breadcrumb navigation in the SPOT title bar on all pages
  • ADDED Creating 16 new metrics on work to be rendered
  • ADDED SPOT LMS internal notifications are now relayed by DESKTOP notifications (at the bottom right of your screen)
  • ADDED It is now possible to create users to automatically assign him courses to do as a learner (thanks to Paulina L.M. from Chile, SPOT LMS customer, for this idea)
  • ADDED It is now possible to create users to automatically assign him cluster as a member
  • ADDED The number of users to import in a single pass is now limited to a maximum possible to avoid server overload problems
  • ADDED The creation date of the users is available in the table ALL USERS
  • ADDED The Support page has a new section: Discussion forum
  • ADDED New languages: German, Dutch, Italian, Polish
  • ADDED Addition of an explanation on the safety of SPOT LMS in the General Terms and Conditions of Use
  • ADDED Evolution of the API to v1.1 with a new function urlconnect for an automated connection
  • ADDED Evolution of the API to v1.2 with informations about test SCORM
  • ADDED Now learners have four different tabs to display their courses: not started, in progress, completed, all
  • ADDED Implementation of a HELPDESK support tool for managing support exchanges
  • ADDED Changing the LMS Contact menu to LMS Support in the avatar menu, changing the LMS Contact page
  • ADDED Customization of the dashboard thumbnails, feature available in paid version
  • ADDED Removal of the limitation of the number of users to be displayed in the overview grid according to the commercial plan
  • ADDED The overview grid can be filtered by user member of a group and/or by course member of a group (thanks to Frederic D. from France, SPOT LMS customer, for this idea)
  • ADDED Better integration of SCORM components, SCORM test results are now integrated into SPOT LMS
  • ADDED Adding 14 metrics for SCORM test results
  • ADDED Centralized comment management in a page. Ability to delete comments
  • ADDED New log events
  • ADDED Management of discount coupons on the sale of your courses. It is possible to apply discount coupons with a percentage or discount on one or more courses in your course catalogue
  • ADDED Generation of an exportable table in EXCEL, PDF, CSV, ... containing tests, questions and answers, points obtained from your Quiz, Controls, SCORM Evaluation
  • ADDED New version of Virtual Classroom tool's with new launch options and a responsive design HTML5 interface
  • ADDED New version of Forums, Chat (Channel, Video conference, File sharing, Voices messages, Link preview, Direct message)
  • ADDED Protection of login pages, account creation,..., against bots (reCAPTCHA v3 from Google) in order to secure the LMS
  • ADDED New bulk operation on users allows to change the status of the real time indicator of the working time of the content of a course
  • ADDED New notification for learners when a rendered work correction file is available
  • ADDED New notification for learners when a rendered work note is available
  • ADDED In a user's information sheet, the overall score of all ratings and the average of the quizzes are now available
  • REVISED Code update to improve overall system access security
  • REVISED Improved display of statistics in reports
  • REVISED new thumbnails for default elements (courses, users, ...)
  • REVISED All software libraries updates
  • REVISED Evolution of services to support the new version of chrome 69, 70, 71, 72
  • REVISED Update of the integrated HTML editor
  • REVISED Update of the reader PDF with new fonctions and prohibition to copy/paste the content of the PDF
  • REVISED The real time indicator of the working time of the content of a course, displayed during the course is set to ON by default
  • OPTIMIZED Improves display on small screens (tablet, smartphone)
  • OPTIMIZED Improved display of the night mode
  • FIXED Fixed bugs on metric dates for reports
  • FIXED fixed a problem concerning accents in punctual notifications
  • FIXED Fixed a display problem (black background) with imported WEB content
  • FIXED Fixed some unblocking bugs

Version 3.4.0 - July 22, 2018

  • ADDED The HTML content of a course can now include a JAVASCRIPT and/or CSS file
  • REVISED The WEB content of a course has been re-developed to scan and integrate styles, scripts,... It is also possible to encapsulate an entire website
  • REVISED Update code to improve security
  • OPTIMIZED Improved SPOT LMS content type display

Version 3.3.0 - July 15, 2018

  • ADDED Customized profile: defines through the rights assigned to him the different actions he may or may not perform from his access to the SPOT LMS platform
  • ADDED Search for users or courses with a search engine available in the top bar
  • ADDED The overview grid is a tool allowing to have a central view of the information on the courses, the users and their states
  • ADDED IP address access control allows access to the LMS to be controlled from the IP address of the user's Internet connection
  • ADDED We accepted payments in Chilean pesos
  • ADDED Subscriptions to SPOT LMS services can now be paid in Bitcoin Cash using a BIP70 compatible wallet
  • ADDED Terms of Service and Privacy Policy rewritten to reflect the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Your continued use of SPOT LMS implies your unconditional agreement to these terms.
  • REVISED Update of the STRIPE payment library to improve security
  • REVISED Update of the BITPAY payment library to improve security
  • REVISED Evolution of SCORM 1.2 functions to improve compatibility
  • REVISED Evolution of the design and features of the toolbar
  • REVISED Evolution of the API to v1.1 with profile support
  • OPTIMIZED Improved SPOT LMS display speed
  • FIXED Fixed some bugs on courses shared with connected users

Version 3.2.0 - May 13, 2018

  • ADDED Many new tutorials on using SPOT LMS
  • ADDED Change the email template, to customize your brand, content,...

Version 3.1.0 - April 02, 2018

  • ADDED New tutorial on building a training courses with a certificate
  • ADDED New tutorial on building content with a video and a synchronized pdf
  • ADDED Addition of an explanation concerning the features in the plan table
  • OPTIMIZED System optimization
  • REVISED Evolution of the customer account creation function
  • REVISED Evolution of SCORM 1.2 functions to improve compatibility
  • REVISED Additional parameters for importing SCORM courses
  • REVISED Evolution of tutorials with an update

Version 3.0.0 - March 11, 2018 - Major update

  • ADDED Added a PLC (ROBOT) for programming Applets (rules) with IF/THEN, allowing you to manage learning paths and award certifications
  • ADDED Visualization of Applets in graphical form
  • ADDED Execute bulk edits on Applets
  • ADDED Management of certificate templates, create your own certificates
  • ADDED Manual or automatic (by PLC) allocation of certificates to learners
  • ADDED Creating new metrics on certificates
  • ADDED Execute bulk edits on certificates of users
  • ADDED Added Gamification. Automatic allocation by the LMS of badges to users according to their work.
  • ADDED The administrator can decide whether to assign user badges manually or automatically
  • ADDED Creating new metrics on Gamification (badges)
  • ADDED Execute bulk edits on badges of users
  • ADDED New technical information page with your account information. Available for administrators only
  • ADDED Evolution of the top bar, remove the dashboard button, the logo becomes clickable, add the bookmark button
  • ADDED Custom bookmarks. A bookmark is a page of the LMS that you marked for easy retrieval
  • ADDED Learners no longer see the contact LMS in the avatar menu (unless administrator force for white label)
  • ADDED Support page for learners and instructors for questions about courses or techniques
  • ADDED You can now follow us on social networks accessible from the top bar (Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin)
  • ADDED For white-label customers, you can customize 4 social networks that are displayed in the top bar
  • ADDED Alert message in the dashboard for administrators and instructors when one or more comments to be moderated are present
  • ADDED Subscriptions to SPOT LMS services can now be paid for in Bitcoin using a BIP70 compatible wallet
  • ADDED New video player for SPOT LMS streaming server videos
  • ADDED SPOT LMS streaming server videos can now be in Ultra HD (UHD H264/MPEG4)
  • ADDED SPOT LMS streaming server videos can now be in Virtual Reality 360°
  • ADDED New contents for courses, Videos 360°
  • ADDED RESTful API, to control the LMS from your environment
  • ADDED Printing a course in PDF format
  • ADDED Notifications can be reset by selecting the language
  • REVISED Graphical user interface evolutions
  • REVISED Complete overhaul of the Instrument Panel, more readable and fast loading with historical information
  • REVISED The display of course contents in HTML and SCORM import format are now done in full width (in simulation mode, course and shared course follow-up)
  • REVISED New version of Forums, Chat (Channel, Video conference, File sharing, Voices messages, Link preview, Direct message)
  • OPTIMIZED Improves display on small screens (tablet, smartphone)
  • OPTIMIZED Improved display of icons and thumbnails
  • OPTIMIZED Improved display of the shop catalogue
  • OPTIMIZED Improved display of the night mode
  • OPTIMIZED Improved tool safety
  • OPTIMIZED Improved display comments to be moderated
  • FIXED Fixed some bugs on the user creation page
  • FIXED Fixed some bugs on the passage of tests

Version 2.9.0 - October 10, 2017

  • ADDED Preparation of the v3.0.0 version, system upgrade
  • OPTIMIZED Performance optimization
  • REVISED Improve the import of SCORM

Version 2.8.0 - October 01, 2017

  • ADDED Display alerts when tests (quizzes and controls) has been changed after it has been passed
  • ADDED Managing alerts when tests (quizzes and controls) has been changed after it has been passed
  • ADDED New display type of tables
  • ADDED New log events
  • OPTIMIZED Performance optimization
  • REVISED Improves robustness of the passage of tests (quizzes and controls)
  • FIXED Fixed some bugs

Version 2.7.0 - September 17, 2017

  • ADDED Display alert requesting to read and archive the notifications beyond a settable threshold by the administrator
  • ADDED Evolution of the shop online, addition of the Terms of Sales of customers
  • ADDED You can choose the display format of the first name and last name
  • ADDED An explanatory text in correction of the question in a quizz or a control
  • ADDED New type of questions for Quiz & Control: Response combination used by driving school (for all paid offers)
  • ADDED New type of questions for Quiz & Control: To match elements with others in the form of a binomial (for all paid offers)
  • ADDED New type of questions for Quiz & Control: A text with fields to complete (for all paid offers)
  • ADDED Night mode that darkens the bright surfaces of the page, ideal night light
  • ADDED New contents for courses, Replay of virtual classrooms
  • ADDED A new means of payment, by bank transfer
  • ADDED Administrators can share their clusters read-only or read/edit with other administrators
  • REVISED Evolution of the management of notifications
  • REVISED Evolution of the views of quiz and control results
  • REVISED Evolution of the questions with multiple choice answer by adding different ways of rating
  • REVISED New version of Forums, Chat (Channel, Video conference, File sharing, Voices messages, Link preview, Direct message)
  • OPTIMIZED New avatar menu presentation
  • FIXED Fixed some bugs on planning reports
  • FIXED Fixed some bugs on the date (time zone) in the notifications
  • FIXED Fixed some bugs on the enrollment in service chat of learners in self creation
  • FIXED Fixed some bugs on the service chat access in white label

Version 2.6.0 - June 17, 2017

  • ADDED Enabling Time Zone
  • ADDED Enabling DST (Daylight Saving Time)
  • ADDED Support Code Snippets in HTML courses (for PRO, BUSINESS and PREMIUM plan)
  • ADDED Support Mind Map in HTML courses (for PRO, BUSINESS and PREMIUM plan)
  • ADDED Administratif message to users for maintenance (in the Dashboard)
  • ADDED New bulk edits features
  • REVISED New WYSIWYG editor for editing scientific and mathematical formulas (for PRO, BUSINESS and PREMIUM plan)
  • REVISED New version of Virtual Classroom with share screen available for CHROME and FIREFOX, better stability, faster, ...
  • REVISED New version of Forums, Chat (Channel, Video conference, File sharing, Voices messages, Link preview, Direct message)
  • FIXED Fixed a bug on the reuse of the content quizz

Version 2.5.2 - June 02, 2017

  • ADDED New tutorial on how to share video, PC, ... with ManyCam in virtual classrooms

Version 2.5.1 - June 01, 2017

  • REVISED Evolution of SCORM 2004 functions to improve compatibility

Version 2.5.0 - May 20, 2017

  • ADDED Execute bulk edits on users
  • ADDED Execute bulk edits on courses
  • ADDED Execute bulk edits on users of a course
  • ADDED Execute bulk edits on courses of a user

Version 2.4.0 - Avril 25, 2017

  • ADDED Two-Factor Authentication
  • ADDED New calendar view, presentation of events in calendar form
  • ADDED Evolution of the user notification with the possibility of choosing groups

Version 2.3.0 - Avril 09, 2017

  • ADDED White mark available, SPOT LMS brand is no longer visible, yours takes its place (for BUSINESS and PREMIUM plan)
  • ADDED Customize of the login page (for BUSINESS and PREMIUM plan)
  • ADDED Your own domain name instead of (for BUSINESS and PREMIUM plan)
  • ADDED Function Print a report (in PDF, on a printer, ...)

Version 2.2.0 - March 26, 2017

  • ADDED New contents for courses, Video SPOT / PDF with synchronized scrolling (for BUSINESS and PREMIUM plan)
  • ADDED Customization of theme colors (for PRO, BUSINESS and PREMIUM plan)
  • ADDED Prohibit learners from seeing other users
  • ADDED Evolution of the launch of virtual classroom, selection of participants by categories, favorites, ...
  • ADDED Evolution of the assignment of learners to a course with the possibility of choosing groups
  • ADDED Evolution of the assignment of courses to a learners with the possibility of choosing groups
  • REVISED The default referents of the courses can access at channels of this courses
  • FIXED Fixed a bug on the recording of virtual classroom
  • FIXED Fixed a bug on the downloading of video SPOT

Version 2.1.0 - March 1, 2017

  • REVISED System update for optimizing new account creation
  • FIXED Fixed some bugs on opening forums

Version 2.0.1 - February 21, 2017

  • ADDED Internet Explorer can not be used for SPOT LMS

Version 2.0.0 - February 19, 2017

  • ADDED The administrator can address a message to users, displayed on the dashboard
  • ADDED Forums features are available
    • CHANNEL, channels for courses, private channels, channels for topics, teams or anything
    • VIDEO CONFERENCE, Chat with your colleagues face-to-face over audio and video
    • FILE SHARING, Drag-and-drop files or select them from your computer or mobile device
    • VOICE MESSAGES, Record and transmit voice messages to a channel, group or private conversation
    • LINK PREVIEW, Post a link and immediately view its content. YouTube, Twitter, Gifs
    • DIRECT MESSAGES, Send messages directly to another person or to a small group of people for more focused conversations
  • REVISED New interface dashboard and new layout
  • OPTIMIZED Improvement of responsive design on dashboard

Version 1.5.2 - January 29, 2017

  • ADDED Notation of homework with return of a correction, WORK RENDER
  • ADDED Improving the role of referents on WORK RENDER
  • ADDED Grouping table rows on selected data tables
  • OPTIMIZED Optimization to accelerate the Database
  • FIXED Fixed some little bugs

Version 1.5.1 - January 15, 2017

  • ADDED New contents for courses, WORK RENDER
  • ADDED New notification for referents when a WORK RENDER is available
  • ADDED Learners consults the information of their referents for a specific course
  • ADDED Allow to disable the welcome splash window by the admin for all users. In account general parameters
  • ADDED Allows selection of language for tutorial
  • ADDED Banner ads for free accounts
  • FIXED Fixed bug on export & import course without icon
  • FIXED Fixed bug on share course with mathML
  • FIXED Fixed label metric Category

Version 1.5.0 - December 20, 2016

  • ADDED Added a changelog page with version history
  • ADDED Reports. Customizable report management in HTML. Planning for reporting.
  • ADDED Provision of 210 metrics for reports
  • ADDED Template Reports SPOT, provision of reference SPOT report template in v1.0
  • ADDED Warning splash window when the browser is not compatible
  • ADDED New dashboard (asynchronous display to support accounts with many courses and users). The dashboard indicators become clickable to get detail in a dialog box
  • ADDED New tutorials in ES, FR and US language
  • ADDED Management of Estimated Working Time by Course
  • ADDED Autoplay on SPOT videos
  • ADDED Adding selected and deselected items to item lists
  • ADDED Interpretation of LaTeX, MathML and AsciiMath to display mathematical formulas and scientific notations in the quiz, the tests, but also in the HTML content of the course elements
  • ADDED Editing scientific and mathematical formulas directly in the WYSIWYG editor without writing LaTeX, MathML and AsciiMath
  • REVISED Change font to put font Google Noto Sans, compatible all languages
  • REVISED All software libraries updates
  • REVISED Evolution of services to support the new version of chrome 55
  • REVISED Evolution of SCORM's imports to be more compatible with the tools of the market
  • FIXED Fixed minor bugs regarding passing tests, which are marked as realized but where the working time was 0 seconds

Version 1.4.4 - August 11, 2016

  • REVISED Passing the player video SPOT to HTML5, removing FLASH technologies
  • ADDED Adding slower speed and accelerating to spot videos
  • ADDED Support of the keyboards commands on the player video SPOT

Version 1.4.3 - August 3, 2016

  • FIXED Minor bug fixes

Version 1.4.2 - July 23, 2016

  • ADDED Integrations of new tutorials
  • ADDED Add multilingual on the share courses pages
  • ADDED Favorites, access button next to the dashboard, giving access to a list of favorites with the possibility of adding, a list of favorites goes on a page that presents the users or courses organized by group
  • OPTIMIZED Optimization to accelerate the calculation and displays of all pages

Version 1.4.1 - July 5, 2016

  • REVISED Simplify the procedure for creating the customer account, in 2 steps instead of 3

Version 1.4.0 - July 4, 2016

  • ADDED Shop online, to sell on the internet the courses of your account customer
  • ADDED Learners can automatically create a user account attached to the customer account

Version 1.3.1 - June 13, 2016

  • REVISED Improvement and reorganization of the dashboard
  • FIXED Minor bug fixes

Version 1.3.0 - June 11, 2016

  • ADDED Introduction of virtual classroom, integrated management and launching
  • REVISED Software libraries updates
  • ADDED Modification of the working time of learners to integrate time of the virtual classroom

Version 1.2.2 - May 30, 2016

  • ADDED Validation of the change email (login) by sending code by email
  • ADDED Function of deletion of a customer account by the customer with validation by code received by email
  • ADDED Support of SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 by importation of courses
  • ADDED Adding a FAQ

Version 1.2.1 - May 20, 2016

  • ADDED Support for Spanish
  • ADDED Mass creation of users by importing users into a csv file
  • ADDED Learners can download SPOT VIDEO components

Version 1.2.0 - May 10, 2016

  • ADDED Online payment for subscription with STRIPE
  • ADDED Invoice Generation
  • ADDED Multi-currency payment
  • ADDED Learners can download PDF, AUDIO components
  • FIXED Minor bug fixes on the displays